
法国安盛AXA Advisor现招财务助理实习生,带薪实习-$1500 per mouth, 12 hours per week

AXA Advisors, LLC is a leading provider of financial services for consumers and businesses, working with clients to help them define and meet their financial goals. It is a broker/dealer and the retail distribution channel for AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company, NY, NY, which provides life insurance, annuities and other needs-based products and services for the financial services market.

AXA Advisors and AXA Equitable are subsidiaries of AXA Financial, Inc., one of the premier U.S. organizations providing financial protection and wealth management. As an AXA Advisors intern you will be exposed to many facets of the financial services arena, gaining practical knowledge and hands-on experience that could help prepare you for a career in this dynamic industry.


- Observe interviewing and sales techniques

- Assist financial sales professionals prepare for client meetings

- Assist in preparing presentations to clients and prospective clients, under supervision of financial professionals

- Organize and coordinate targeted marketing programs, financial planning seminars and client appreciation events


- Strong oral and written communication skills

- Proficient computer skills, Microsoft Office applications and the Internet

- Professional telephone and presentation skills

- Excellent organization skills

- Pursuing degree in finance, marketing, sales, financial planning preferred

- Ability to generate a natural market through involvement in sports, community service, prior internships, sorority or fraternity, associations & clubs



PrimeVest Group是专业的职业咨询辅导公司,从2003年起,我们已向许多学员提供了优质的求职服务,协助数以千计的留学生,大学本科生和毕业生成功就业。PrimeVest与全美多家公司都有合作,合作公司涉及领域遍布金融、会计、机械工程、市场、CS等多个专业领域,海量职位虚位以待。 我们坚持学员第一的服务原则,承诺无面试全额退款的政策。 如果您还在为找工作而发愁的话,请加wx【primevestgroup】免费咨询